Getting Rich Your Way
Gordon Bizar is known as Mr. LBO
Gordon Bizar has a video website, Getting Rich Your Way, which shows how some of his students have bought a business through the knowledge obtained from Bizar Financing. BizarFinancing is a business educational program which teaches people how to start, buy or build any business. It will teach you how you too can become a business owner.
Gordon was one of the first people to purchase 1/2 hour television spots to promote his program of teaching leverage buyout techniques to the general public. Over 300,000 students have been through Bizar Financing. Gordon is now known as Mr. LBO ( leverage buyout).
On GettingRichYourWay, you’ll see free videos of people doing what they love to do in a business of their own. Gordon Bizar showed them that through financial leverage of assets within an existing, that business can be bought by using the the Bizar Financing techniques.